Rian de Waal plays Bach transcriptions

‘Rian de Waal plays Bach transcriptions’

When I first met Rian de Waal we where recording at the Royal Conservatory in Den Haag. He told me that he and his wife Marion van den Akker bought a farm in Valthermond and that they where planning to build a concert hall in it. His dream was to work in this hall on his recital programs, organize concerts and make recordings as well. When all the construction work was done we went to Valthermond to make some test recordings. These tests where the start of many recordings with Rian and Marion in Valthermond. The first complete CD was a selection of Bach transcriptions that we recorded in 2004. This first CD in the series ‘The Valthermond Recordings’ is all about the view that the romantic composers had on Bach’s music and the transformation of church and chamber music to music for the concert stage.

The transcriptions on this disc are imbued with historical consciousness and new inspiration. Works for organ, choir and violin find their way to the piano. Not as a substitute but as a new autonomous appearance.

(Steinway D ‘Godowski’ – photo made by Daan van Aalst)

The cover design is based on the landscape surrounding the concert hall. The picture reflects the view from the piano room.

Rian de Waal died on the 25th of may 2011. His inspiring personality and great musicianship will be missed by many people. He leaves us with many great memories and an impressive collection of recordings.

This release in the series ‘The Valthermond Recordings’ can be ordered at your local store, Amazon, Bol.com and Itunes. You can also find high resolution downloads on The Classical Shop.

Please visit www.valthermondrecordings.com for recent updates about the label.

Project info:

Recording venue: ‘Onder de Linden’, Valthermond

Recording date: Januari, 2004

Recording producer and editing: Daan van Aalst

Piano technician: Michel Brandjes

Cover design: dT concept & ontwerp

EAN: 8713897903010

Daan van Aalst

Author Daan van Aalst

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  • Henk van der Wijk says:

    Zelden ben ik direct zo gegrepen door een CD als door ‘Rian de Waal speelt Bach’. De opnames klinken perfect en de interpretaties door Rian raken je in je hart.
    Bach is moeilijk en er zijn niet veel pianisten die ik het toevertrouw. Glenn Gould roept dezelfde emoties bij me op. Van alle muziek, en ik heb veel, blijkt Bach een ongelooflijke snaar bij mij te raken. Deze CD van Rian slaat daarbij alles.

    Ik vind het bijzonder jammer dat ik nooit een concert van hem heb kunnen bijwonen, en daarom koester is de Valthermond CDs als een prachtige herinnering aan een geweldige pianist.

    Dank voor deze technisch perfecte uitvoeringen.

    Groeten van deze muziekliefhebber,
    Henk van der Wijk

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